Keeping the kitties cool in the heat!

With temperatures across the city and region staying hot! hot! hot! we thought we would share a few ideas on how to keep things cool for our fur-friends.

Here are few tips:

🍧 Get creative with ice - make them ice treats with tuna juice

💧 Add some ice cubes to the water bowl

💨 Make sure to keep the AC going or fans blowing to keep air circulating

💈 Brush them lots to get the excess fur off

🌬️Add a bag of frozen vegetables or ice pack, well wrapped in a towel to your cat's favourite spot

And remember, watch your pet for signs of over-heating, including heavy panting and loss of energy. If you recognise these signs, encourage your cat to have a drink.

Sunday Roast

Sunday Roast is an Award Winning full-service brand and web
design agency, partnering with purpose-driven entrepreneurs,
not-for-profits and businesses to create positive change in
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