Legacy Giving
Legacy giving is a great way to significantly impact our life-saving work far into the future.
What is ‘Legacy Giving’? 🤔
Legacy Giving, or ‘Planned’ Giving’, is where you leave a gift to charity in your will. Once you pass, your lawyer then arranges for the gift to be made to the charity you chose to support. Common gifts include fixed amounts of money, a residue of the remainder of your estate, or property.
How to leave a gift in your will:
A gift in your will is an amazing way to create a legacy of compassion for cats in need! 💪
There are many ways to give a gift in your will, including by gifting a specific amount or a residue of the remainder of your estate, after you’ve remembered your loved ones of course. As a first step in your estate planning, you may wish to seek professional advice from a lawyer or financial advisor to ensure your charitable wishes are carried out as intended 👌
Leaving a gift in your life insurance policy:
Another great way to support our work is to name us as a beneficiary in your life insurance policy.
Where can I get more information?
We’d love to talk to you about your legacy giving wishes. If you would like more information about this type of giving, please contact us at legacy@torontocatrescue.ca or at 437-604-2401.
Although we’re happy to speak with you about the incredible impact you can make through a legacy gift, we recommend you still seek professional advice in your estate planning 🏡
What to do if I’m ready to leave a legacy gift to Toronto Cat Rescue?
If you know you want to leave a legacy gift to us, then you need inform your lawyer and ask them to take the proper steps. It’s very important to put the correct information, to make sure we’re the beneficiary of the gift. The correct information is below.
Please feel very welcome to reach out to discuss more with us. We’re always happy to talk!
Our legal name: Toronto Cat Rescue
Our charitable registration number: 72088-4691-RR-0001
Our mailing address:
Toronto Cat Rescue
4229C Dundas St. W
Toronto, ON
M8X 1Y3