National Volunteer Week - Thank you Yvonne Zyma!

As we close off #NationalVolunteerWeek, we are so grateful for all of the work our volunteers put in each and every day. Without you, we could not to the work we do. So in short- THANK YOU.

Today, we share a very special thank you to Yvonne Zyma from our Kitchener-Waterloo team.

I have been a driver for the TCR KW Chapter for several years now, and I love it. When I retired from my career in libraries I started to wonder how I would spend the sudden free time I had. (note: it gets filled up really quickly) So I just did more of what I loved doing before: gardening, nature and animals, reading, reiki, heritage and ... being a helper and healer. It has taken me all these years recognize that this is something that I have doing all along!


I grew up in a household where there were always rescues of some sort, wild animals or rescue pets. The bond between humans and animals goes deep into our souls but many people don't recognize it. My two sons both have an affinity for animals, but I am the only one who is teetering on (crazy) cat lady...

This volunteer position is really under-recognized because it is so much more than being "a driver". I have listened to people pour their heart out because they had no choice but to give up their cat; I have driven a car full of hoarding cats and hosted two of them, as well as other short term fosters; I've comforted and played with innumerable fur babies. I think I have a knack for reading cat's personalities and then matching them with their people, who happen to wander into the PetSmart store! There is something so special about seeing someone fall in love with a cat.

I've met some wonderful people who have become friends. I am part of a network of animal lovers who are actually doing something to make a difference. I feel fortunate to be involved with TCR and know that I am making a difference.

Stay safe and well. my friends. Kitten season will soon be upon us, whether there is a virus or not.

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Joey, the hero rescue cat


National Volunteer Week - Thank you Andrew Holownych and family!