Send A Special Kudos
Toronto Cat Rescue is powered by the dedicated efforts of our amazing volunteers who donate their time, talent and energy all year long to helping cats in need. December is a lovely time to give KUDOS to a volunteer who you respect, appreciate or who has changed your life (or the life of your cat) for the better!Kudos means praise and honour received for an achievement. Send your kudos now (or as many as you would like!Holiday Kudos message ideas include:
- There is only one you. That is your super power.
- Merry everything and a happy always.
- Volunteers are love in motion.
- Peace. Love. Joy. Thank you!
- Thank you for all that you do, and all that you want to do!
Our volunteers donate their time helping cats by advertising, adopt-a-thons, bottle feeding, communicating, cleaning, fostering, coordinating, driving, designing, e-mailing, events, social promotion, fundraising, grooming, giving medicine, educating the public, ironing, jumping for joy with each adoption, keeping lists, liaising, listening, answering and asking questions, naming kittens, posting cat profiles, pamphlets, paying bills, picking up money, paperwork, interviewing potential adopters, creating graphics, spay/neuter booking, sub-Q, helping to match adopters with cats, taking pictures, tax receipts, managing the online shop and inventory, updating lists, vet appointments, website, x-rays, yawning at midnight, zipping around the GTA... and it all starts with our volunteer Intake Team who save cat lives every minute of each day!THANK YOU VOLUNTEERS for all that you do daily... without you there would be no Toronto Cat Rescue.