The Value of Pet Valu
Most neighbourhoods across our city have at least one Pet Valu store within walking distance. Locally franchised and community based, five of those stores foster TCR cats in-store until they are adopted into their forever homes.The stores co-host Adopt-A-Thons through out the year to help some great TCR foster cats connect with their forever families.We are thrilled that some of the stores go even further and hold fundraising events to benefit Toronto Cat Rescue. A little goes a really long way because over the course of just a few months, their fundraising efforts add up to thousands of dollars, and hundreds of pounds of cat food, litter and toys. These types of donations are exactly what TCR needs... and lots of them!Our store volunteers work with the Pet Valu staff to promote and maintain healthyand happy TCR kittens and cats while they are fostered in-store. If you haven’t had the chance to visit a Pet Valu lately you may view all their locations here. The reason they are able to help TCR, is because of many customers, just like you, who choose their quality products.Thank you Pet Valu staff and stores. TCR appreciates your loyal support, and shared love of cats!