Sponsor a Cat, Save a Life!! Foster Homes and Donations Urgently Needed!

Rescue In Action Update: Thank you to our incredible supporters! Your help so far has been AMAZING! Together, we have SMASHED our fundraising goal to help save the 50 lives that were at risk of euthanasia in Quebec. We can now comfortably provide veterinary attention to all of them! And we have some great news - all 50 cats have safely arrived in Toronto just a couple of days early.

The phenomenal help you have provided us with so far has been nothing short of awe-inspiring, and has shown us the things we can do as a community. With this final push, we can finally make sure each and every one of these cats find the home they deserve - and together, we will make it happen. On behalf of everyone at TCR and the cats themselves, a big thank you to all our supporters!



Toronto Cat Rescue needs your help! SPA Quebec’s shelter in Montreal is overflowing with cats this season and 50 cats need a new home FAST! Please, this is their last chance; the shelter cannot accept new arrivals due to overcrowding and will be forced to euthanize if they are unable to move these precious lives to a new location.TCR is the only organization who can answer this distress call, but we cannot achieve this goal without your help!Time is of the essence and we need to act fast! We are aiming for a transfer date of Thursday, July 6th and we do not want to leave a single cat behind at the shelter. We desperately need you to help us fill up that transport truck!FOSTER: If you can foster one or more of them, even just for two weeks, please contact us immediately. Foster homes provide TLC, food and litter. TCR will cover all medical costs, if needed.DONATE: If you cannot open your home to one of these cats, please consider making a donation to sponsor one of them. The cats will require a basic physical exam and rabies vaccination if they are over 4 months old. There are bound to be other unforeseen medical concerns such as dental work. Our goal is to raise a minimum of $5,000 for this rescue. Please consider sponsoring 1 cat for $125. It’s a small price to pay for saving a very precious life!Toronto cat rescue will take care of all the effort needed to ensure the safe harbouring of these precious lives. With your help, we can save ALL of these lives. Please give us your support!Pictured: BUDDY - she would love to be safe and loved because of you.

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Terrance & Panda Thank All TCR Volunteers!


Adopt-A-Thon Saturday; who will you bring home?