Tom Nook’s Rescue Journey

Things are looking better for this beautiful boy, 11 week old Tom Nook ❤️

When Tom Nook came to us he was in a really bad way. 

He had two cuterebra holes, a distal femur fracture and a bot fly wound under one eye.  The surgeons recommended leg amputation for the fracture. We knew right away that we needed to step up 💪

Since Tom came to us he’s received a fracture repair from our partner vets, and the botfly wounds are healing nicely ❤️

He’s also been neutered, and had the surgery to repair the fracture on his leg.

If everything looks good at his follow up in two weeks, he'll be OK and ready for adoption!

Until then Tom is being lovely cared for by one of our amazing foster volunteers, who's giving him a temporary home

She tells us he’s the most cuddly and sweet kitten they’ve ever cared for! He loves to sleep on their laps while they work, and is making friends with his foster brothers and sisters 😊

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We’re able to rescue cats like Tom Nook thanks to the amazing support of our regular donors, who provide the regular income we use to cover their high medical costs, whatever they are.

If you can, please consider becoming a regular donor today.

Your monthly gift will help provide the guaranteed income we need to commit to rescuing these poor kitties, whatever the cost, and giving them the second chance at life they deserve ❤️