Support Abandoned Cats Like Matthew 😿

We're raising funds in honour of the adorable Matthew, the gorgeous boy who was recently found completely tied up and unable to move in several grocery bags, after being left to die on the embankment of a river in Paris, Ontario.

This is a story of callous abandonment that is becoming all too common, but one that for Matthew luckily had a happy ending.

Matthew was found by chance by a jogger, and he then found his way into our care.

In less than a week after being abandoned Matthew had found his new family through our adoption program, and now lives in the loving home of new parents Drew and Ashley 🏡❤️

He even has a brother, Mac, who he can play with all day long 😸😺

Matthew was found to not be sterilized which results in unwanted mating behaviours like spraying, which is possibly why he was abandoned.  This underlines the importance of getting cats spayed/neutered, to prevent cats being abandoned like this.

It's thanks to our incredible donors that we can cover the costs of rescuing abandoned cats like Matthew.

And that's why we're launching Matthew's Fund for Abandoned Cats!

With your support we can cover the medical and care costs that come with rescuing cats like Matthew, long into the future!

So, please consider donating in honour of Matthew, and help us save the lives of more abandoned cats in the future ❤️ 

We’d like to offer a special thanks to our friends at CTV News Kitchener, for helping to get Matthew’s story out there! 💪

With all of our support we can provide cats like Matthew with loving, forever homes ❤️

Source: CTV News